Bruce E Radek Attorney

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Free Mediation Consultation

Bruce E Radek
Attorney at Law
Licensed Mediator
Nashville, Tennesse
Tel (615) 579-3001


Nashville Mediation Law books and gavel

Tue Oct 22, 2024

Law Practice Areas

Contract Law

Individuals and businesses enter into contracts on a daily basis. Most are never memorialized in a written document. When they are, however, they need to be carefully crafted to identify the parties and their respective rights and obligations. Bruce E Radek, a Nashville attorney will ensure that the agreement between the parties meets the requirements of contract law in Tennessee. We work with clients through the contract negotiation process, offering counsel with respect to terms and provisions. Once an agreement has been reached, we review and draw up all types of contracts, including construction contracts, sales and marketing agreements, buy-sell agreements, employment contracts, shareholder agreements, non-compete and confidentiality agreements.

Divorce Law

In many cases, divorce signifies more than just the end of a relationship. When a couple decides to end their marriage, concerns about child custody, property division, and child and spousal support can create hostility between spouses. Parties to a divorce can often benefit from the guidance and assistance of experienced lawyers who can help them navigate these and the many additional complex issues that become points of contention during a divorce. At Nashville Mediation in Nashville, Tennessee our experienced divorce attorneys, serving all of Tennessee, provide the exceptional representation individuals need to protect their legal rights and financial interests.

Entertainment Law

We also provide comprehensive legal services to the motion pictures, radio, publishing and music industries, as well as to entertainment and media companies. Our services in the entertainment field are offered not only to established companies, but also to the individual artist, director, screenwriter, producer, author, songwriter and recording artist. Nashville Mediation’s Nashville attorney entertainment-related practice includes arbitration, tax planning, contract advice, litigation and the protection and utilization of intellectual property.

Estate Planning

We provide a complete range of estate planning services, including business succession planning, asset protection planning, family wealth transfers, reduction of estate taxes, as well as numerous other aspects of estate planning. Our Nashville attorneys have experience in estate planning techniques and in drafting documents that carry out the client's plans.

We work closely with each client to determine those strategies that will best fit his or her personal situation, taking into account family issues, the amount and type of assets involved, the client's goals and other relevant factors.

Family Law

We understand that the family is a very personal matter, and Nashville Mediation is sensitive to your wishes and concerns. We can assist you with adoptions, divorces, child custody disputes, divorce modifications, prenuptial agreements, and a number of other family law related issues. For over 14 years, our client centered philosophy has assisted a number of people in the personal and private area of family law.

Juvenile Law

Juvenile rights are different from adult rights. Juveniles do not have a right to a jury trial; they do not generally have a right to a public proceeding. They are entitled to full notice of all charges against them, the right to a fair trial with a judge, and the right to confront hostile witnesses.

Since the juvenile justice system is different from the adult system, it is important to have a Nashville attorney who is familiar with the juvenile system. Our law firm is intimately familiar with the juvenile justice. We can often have your child released into you custody on informal supervision, electronic monitoring, house arrest, or other programs that allow them to continue at school.

After an arrest or citation the child and his/her parents will be scheduled to meet with a juvenile probation officer. This is a critical stage in a juvenile proceeding and you should have a lawyer present.

It used to be that children were kept in the juvenile justice system and charged as children. With the recent swing away from rehabilitation and toward punishment, a new danger has been created for children as young as fourteen. They can be charged and found guilty of crimes in the adult justice system that will follow them into adulthood.

Mediation and Arbitration

A vital component of a litigation practice is mediation and arbitration. These methods of dispute resolution are applicable to a wide range of areas.

At Nashville Mediation we embraced alternatives to traditional litigation. As a firm dedicated to helping our clients’ businesses thrive, we choose the legal strategy that is most likely to get results, minimize costs and prevent delays. Quite often, that strategy is mediation or arbitration.

Mediation and arbitration cuts across all of our areas of practice. If you would like to learn more about alternative dispute resolution (ADR) techniques for business, real estate, employment or divorce, we can counsel and represent you. Our firm is known for its strong focus on mediation and arbitration related to business and family law.

Please visit our Practice Areas page for more information about our specific areas of practice.

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